The Turtle Goddess Story

Mother Earth

In Native America the turtle is one of the oldest symbols for Mother Earth. It represents the lunar cycle, menstruation, power of female energies. In the Far East the shell symbolized heaven and the underside, Earth. In Nigeria it is a symbol for female sex organs and sexuality. 


It is Goddess energy personified.  


All shore areas are associated with doorways to the Faerie realm. Turtles, being shore creatures, are known as keepers of these doors. 


Who better to have by your side than the Turtle Goddess as you navigate the divine feminine through heaven and Earth? Or as you ride the waves of pregnancy and birth? 


Who better to keep watch as you emerge through the birth portal witnessing your transformation from maiden to mother? 


My Story

My journey to becoming a Radical Birth Keeper began in 2014 when my first daughter was conceived.

Having fallen for the narrative that I needed confirmation outside of myself I dutifully went to all my prenatal appointments and I found the process redundant and stressful. I had three ultrasounds! One of which was on the morning of my daughter’s birth.

My beautiful girl was born six hours later.

Even though I found her birth transformative, because what birth isn’t? I was regularly disturbed from that trance-like state women enter in order to bring their babies through the birth portal.

I innately knew there was a different way. A more holistic approach to birth and ultimately mothering.

After two early pregnancy losses I completely surrendered to divine timing.

I prepared myself for birth by reading some amazing books, doing my research, binge listening to The Freebirth Society podcast, tuning in to myself, connecting with the moon and nature.

I had a wild pregnancy and freebirthed my second daughter by candlelight in our bathroom - a two hour birth process.

A powerful birth, a healing birth.

As soon as she was born I wanted to do it all over again!

My highest wish is that all women know that they have the freedom of choice and that all babies are born in peace.

Wouldn’t that be the start of something magical?


Sovereign Birth

Did my story spark something in you?

A remembering?

An inner knowing?

That this is how it once was.

How it could be again.

Lets make waves, Sister

“I want to find inspiration in the joy and success of other women”

— Glennon Doyle